Corydoras Davidsandsi: A Fascinating Catfish from Brazil

Corydoras davidsandsi

Corydoras davidsandsi, commonly known as Davidsand's Corydoras, is a captivating and attractive species of catfish that originates from the Tapuruguara region in Brazil, specifically the Rio Inambu. It was scientifically described by Black in 1978. This species is highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts due to its striking appearance and interesting behaviors.

Typical habitat of Corydoras davidsandsi

Natural Habitat and Origin:

The native habitat of Corydoras davidsandsi is the Rio Inambu in Brazil. This freshwater fish is found in slow-moving streams and rivers with sandy or gravelly substrates. These areas are often well-vegetated, providing ample hiding places for the fish and suitable conditions for breeding.

Physical Characteristics:

In the wild, Corydoras davidsandsi typically reaches a size of about 40.0 mm standard length (SL) for females and 55.0 mm SL for males. The males are generally smaller than the females, which is a common trait in many Corydoras species. These fish are known for their distinctive coloration, with a combination of bold patterns and hues that vary between individuals. They have a unique appearance with their armored bodies and sharp, retrorse barbels around the mouth.

Tank Requirements:

For a group of Corydoras davidsandsi, a tank of at least 45 cm in length, 20 cm in width, and 20 cm in depth should suffice. The water parameters during spawning were recorded as follows: pH of 7.2, GH (General Hardness) of 6, KH (Carbonate Hardness) of 3, and a temperature of 76°F (24.4°C). These conditions are suitable for keeping the species healthy and encouraging breeding activities.

Tank Furnishings:

Corydoras davidsandsi appreciates a well-decorated aquarium with a 12 mm deep layer of fine gravel (approximately 1.5 mm diameter). Additionally, providing hiding spots such as driftwood, caves, or plants will help to mimic their natural environment. Two nylon floating spawning mops can be added to encourage successful spawning.


To maintain their health and vitality, Corydoras davidsandsi should be fed a balanced diet. Pre-soaked flake, tablet, and granulated foods are good staple options. Supplementation with live foods such as Daphnia, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex, Bloodworms, Whiteworms, or Chopped Earthworms is beneficial and adds variety to their diet. Frozen foods can also be used, especially during the winter months when live foods might be less readily available.

Spawning Behavior:

Corydoras davidsandsi is a substrate-spawning species. During courtship and mating, the fish engage in the typical Corydoradinae 'T' mating clinch fashion. The first spawning might not be observed, but the eggs are usually laid in the top third of the spawning mops. The eggs are removed from the main tank and placed in a separate hatching container with water from the original tank. To protect the eggs from fungal attacks, a couple of drops of methylene blue are added. An air stone is used to provide gentle movement in the water and ensure sufficient oxygen levels.


Corydoras davidsandsi is undoubtedly an intriguing and beautiful species of catfish that aquarium enthusiasts can find captivating. Its stunning appearance, unique behaviors, and relatively manageable care requirements make it a popular choice for fishkeepers. Remember to provide appropriate tank conditions, a varied diet, and suitable tank mates to ensure the well-being and happiness of these charming catfish. If you plan to keep this species, always research and adhere to best practices to create a thriving environment for them in your aquarium.


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